@Philly1UPer Uh, yes its a different approach to THIS franchise. These recent additions to the FF series are just cant compare to earlier installments. I am not saying they cant focus on other games, but if they are going to stick with FF, they really should consider going back to remake FF7, or the other fav FF6.
This excuse makes zero sense to me. Obviously, they even admitted that their recent additions cant even come close to touching the quality of FFVII....
So, why not try a different approach? EVERYONE wants a remake and this would be a great opportunity to take a walk down nostalgia lane. Not to mention, a remake of this classic could very well become the biggest selling RPG of all time. SquareEnix, you are over thinking this. This should be an absolute no brainer.
The difficulty is lacking? What the hell are you talking about? Normal is obviously easy. Nightmare can produce a few challenging mobs here and there and you will likely die. With that said, very beatable.
But once you get to Hell, the difficulty significantly ramps up. And then inferno? Jesus...
adamms1384's comments