@Sploitz1 LOL!!! Oh, you f'n child. Because I play ONE game that you feel a company hasnt delivered, that makes me a sheep. Now run along troll! Off to cry and moan with your asinine comments!
@Sploitz1 Typical defensive response detected. "Fanboy" he says.
On the contrary, I know D3 has its faults but the bottom line is it has the exact same feel that Diablo 2 had. Since I enjoyed D2, I will be playing. The game feels fun to the majority of people that have played the beta.
And in the end, its a video game. If you are having fun, thats all that matters. Its a shame that this generation is littered with you whiny, immature gamers that have to cry about a games every fault if its not the "perfect" fit for you.
It never ceases to amaze me how pathetically whiny gamers are. I am not saying that ME3 is the best game ever, but how can people really complain so much about it? Games should be about having fun, not picking apart its every fault.
adamms1384's comments