adamou166's forum posts
IGN have an article about the PS3 launch in london, it brags that there are only 2 people queuing..
Hello IGN wake up, perhaps its because you dont have to wait to get your hands on a PS3 like its competition because sony are supplying us with 3 times more of them for launch day! Xbox = 100,000 launch day PS3 = 300,000 launch day (not precise figures). Why would I queue up when I can preorder it today and pick it up anytime after 12pm thursday night!
 Sorry but I just had to get that off my chest!! IGN are haters.
If you like an awkward running console trying to be a PC then sure go for it. Compare the PS3 to a computer purchased 3 years ago. That's about how it runs.Deyee
It's sluggish and slow to surf the web, much like the PS3.Deyee
To me using the PS3 as a PC is just ridiculous.DeyeeTheres some of your quotes shooting it down. And id also like to point out this one:
I highly doubt anyone will be programming on their PS3s as well. DeyeeOne of the main reasons Sony allowed for Linux to be installed is so home programmers and developers can create their own games and apps, its all part of their "user created media" ideas.
[QUOTE="a_random_hobo"]I'll agree with you, not because you're right (you're very wrong and full of bull), but because most people, like you, are too computer illiterate to figure out how to use Linux properly on PS3. The last sentence in your ridiculous post especially = :lol:Deyee
Well then....learn me on some Linux there Pops, I mean I've only been using it since about 2003 on my PC, but since you're the computer literate one here. Enlighten us all.
I'm not going to install Linux onto my PS3 because it's.....a Gaming Console.....not a PC. Simple enough for ya?
Its obviously been designed as more then just a pure gaming console, dedicated gaming consoles are a thing of the past anyhow. Plus its funny how you are now changing your reasoning for not using linux on your PS3, first is because it couldnt run it properly and now its because its a gaming console and not a PC.
[QUOTE="Deyee"]And of the trivial things you've mentioned, which of any of thsoe 2 tasks can be accomplished simultaneously?
I can browse the web, email, and word process on my cell phone ffs. I highly doubt anyone will be programming on their PS3s as well.
The Original Poster obviously has a computer to post this topic and he would be much better off continuing to do so from it in my opinion.
We're finding at least one thing that we agree on, the PS3 is capable of handling trivial tasks that a PC can, but I'm failing to see why someone would prefer the use of the PS3 to that of a PC which is far more efficient and also able to multitask.
I'll agree with you, not because you're right (you're very wrong and full of bull), but because most people, like you, are too computer illiterate to figure out how to use Linux properly on PS3. The last sentence in your ridiculous post especially = :lol:
Well pointed out.
The PS3 can't even play a game and stream music at the same time yet.Of course it can, install linux and play an MP3 whilst playing solitare on it. Forget the PS3 gaming side of it, the final thing it comes down to is the PS3 can run an operating system in which it can multitask. It has no problem doing this so im not sure why you think it cant multitask, maybe it cant in the XMB yet but under linux it can. Plus let me point out the keyword from your quote "yet".
Define "Personal Computer" if you would. Then explain to me how using the PS3 would be better than some $150 junker PC picked up at a garage sale.Personal Computer = A computer for an individual to carry out tasks such as, word processing, email, web browsing and programming. The power of the PS3 is far superior to that of a $150 second hand machine, weather your running an OS on it or playing games. Like I said before its not a PC replacement but if you wanted to use it for the functions defined above then you wont have any trouble nor notice any difference in performance.
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