they will never make the movement on point how many games has it been now? and still no improvement. so still no hand to hand combat? being able to disarm enemies with well timed counter was great i don't get why they are forcing you to use a weapon. don't even try to compare the recycled trash to The Witcher. enemies watching you shoot their friend in the head then staring at you while you grab him for silent kill lol same old same. look at that air kill he lands on the guy and all of a sudden has his sword and shield out stabbing him no where on his body but in between his legs, this just confirms that the animations are still clippy as hell and just puts me off the game completely. everything still glows white and red so its a trip to the options menu to toggle the thousand HUD options they always have. being a fan since the first i just cant do it anymore was let down to many times and wasted to much money buying brand new hoping it was going to be good only to experience crap stories clippy animations and being teleported randomly during cut scenes to new areas thinking wtf just happen'd and how did i get here.
@ballashotcaller: i was hoping for something more with the other masks like jump higher, a new attack something along those lines. oh well still got the season pass :) master trail will be good.
so not really anything new ability wise from the masks just new looks. not gonna lie bit off a let down on that part could of at least gave some new ability instead of night speed and harder to spot. not like its hard to craft speed potions and stealth.
nope. with all the great open world games that have come out this is the best they can do? more of the same old tripe clearing camps climbing to sync. bland combat that still doesn't compare to AC 1 and 2. when you open chests it doesn't even feel like you accomplish anything just see a little pop up saying what you got. you need to do more than turn it into an RPG with rare loot and skill points, enemies with levels? that take an arrow to head and run at you after? OK. collect animal skins to upgrade gear just like all their other games. when the best reaction you get from an interviewer is when a stupid cat runs around the players legs then you know its bad. even if its has had a break from yearly release its still the same recycled trash. yes Egypt looks nice we get it.
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