i want to see her get angry more. my favourite scene from first season was when she blasted Red Tornado to pieces was a really intense moment. shame there was so much drooling over stupid James Olsen every moment they was in the same room. hopefully this season will have less focus on romance and every guy that turns up wont hit on Kara. makes me cringe.
such a bad ass in Daredevil glad he got his own show. the actor is spot on for the role always like him in his parts on shows and movies. such a shame he was not in The Walking Dead for another season loved Shane really good actor this guy.
true or false the game is still a joke. look for a video on what happens when you get to the center of the galaxy trust me its nothing worth saving to see yourself. i highly suggest people watch Angry Joe review he nails what this game is and calls out the lies we got told.
@reduc_ab_: so because most players that bought the game think its a joke they are sad? maybe they just dont like being lied to and then told they might have to pay for DLC for the features that should of already been in the game. less and less people are playing the game as the weeks roll by.
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