Sure, HAZE may have been poor.
But if one game this year i have faith in, it is MGS4. Nothing can touch it this year, especially after the slightly dissapointing GTA4.
Sure Gears of War 2 is coming, but so is Resistance 2.
Killzone 2 has been pushed back, so who knows, Sony may pull something amazing out of their arse with it.
Little Big Planet looks great.
Socom, big fan, hope its good.
Motorstorm 2, looks great, loved the first and they have improved on every aspect.
InFamous, looks good, what Crackdown SHOULD have been.
The Agency, i will have to see could be good though.
I have both a 360 and PS3, and love them both. It was a shame to see HAZE turn out this way, but need i remind you guys of Hour Of Victory, Vampire Rain, Bullet Witch, Two Worlds ?
What games does 360 have this year ? On my list I have 3 - Gears 2, Fable 2, Ninja Gaiden 2.
So, all we can see is how thing play out.
Personally, i booted up Gears of War yesterday, and i was underwhelmed, it was boring. But obviously its old now. And Gears 2 should change that with its bigger scale.
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