So, I finally caved bought BF3 a week ago...woops. Should have just stuck to my TF2, BFBC2, CS, and Day of Defeat. Hell, spending 60 bucks on hats and keys in TF2 would have been a much better decision. BC2 is just so much more fun, wish they would have just made a huge expansion for it or something instead of making that garbage.
Wait, let me get this straight, you're saying that the FACT that ZeniMax Online has been developing this game for the last several years is a lie? LOL. You're either dumb as a rock or just plain ignorant. Read the article, seems like you'll have to do it slowly...
Yes derpy mcgee, Bethesda has stuck to singleplayer games, ZeniMax Online has been developing this game, not Bethesda. So actually, your comment, and his makes no sense.
Seeing as this game has been in development for several years by ZeniMax Online and Skyrim (Bethesda) came out in the usual 4-5 year cycle, I don't see a problem with them making a new singleplayer Elder Scrolls, especially since TES Online will take place 1000 years before Skyrim. Although personally I would like them to make a whole new open world rpg before anything.
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