Only way I would ever play a 6 game would be for free. With the amount of quality games out there imo it is a total waste of money. There are alot of games on older systems as well that are so much more worth purchasing than a crappy game with better graphics. I'm tired of this site defending bad games. I find it pretty gross that Gamespot would tell someone to buy a rotten steak from a restaurant for the same price, or even much less, as one from another that's delicious lol.
@-TheDarkWolf- lol, that's #1 impossible to determine #2 the sw games released by bioware have been great. so your point fails. now go buy cataclysm and play a game that was more fun 6 years ago lol
@artiom24 totally agree @-Unreal- Daeromas, Thunderlord. (saw your last post and i was like wtf? then i checked my inbox and said ohhhh haha) check the epic Knight title haha :)
@You_2 totally agree. actually being part of the story(tor) is different than reading it(wow). tor will be the greatest game to date(i said the same about wow before it came out too, and at the time, i was right :)
@-TheDarkWolf- "the fan/player-base of WoW is far too large" star wars is undeniably larger. search your feelings, you know it to be true. hehe @SyhnD lol @ its because players like me is why the game is unbalanced. yea, its the players fault for not balancing the game /sarc. atleast make sense. im not asking for an absolutly balanced game, if there were only minor imbalances, that would be understandable. blizz put up a blue post a while ago saying that paladins extremely broken for all of wotlk. and anyone who played can tell you that they should have included mages druids and hunters. you said "the game IS imbalanced" folled by excuse after excuse, so you agree with me then lol. "back then there were no Arenas or BG's" then you said "Oh I know there were BG's in Vanilla" followed by "Check your facts" lol, take your own advice.
@SyhnD i wasnt saying the same classes have been broken, only that there have always been terribly broken classes. i was giving examples of the latest of the broken classes. as paladins in vanilla were terrible (i know, i had one then). and actually there were bgs in vanilla, wsg, ab, and av. when you hear people talk about the 3 hour long avs thats the time theyre referring to. im not going to see what happens at 85, cause ive already seen it at 60, 70, and 80 on 5 different characters. terrible class balance, then they patch and nerf a class, and make a different one rediculously op. the awful changes to the talent trees by simplifying them was the last straw to make me quit. lol, tor is gona be so much better :)
@casshern09 how have i made it clear that i know nothing about the game? lol, ive played from day 1 up until about 2 months ago, so im just as qualified as any to comment, fanboy. @Sirbobislost how can i say classes have always been broken you ask? cause ive played since november 2004, until 2 months ago, when i finally got fed up that they refuse to fix how broken the classes have always been. "combined with gear and player skill level, but if you actually learn how to play your class instead of coming here to troll" a typical fanboy response. i enjoyed the game, but im not going to blindly agree that everything wow does is super awesome and anyone who thinks differently is stupid, as you do. wow is extremely simple, the difference between players(unless youre mentally hanicapped, honestly) is only gear. lol at "theres always one class that has an edge" paladins, mages, druids, hunters. maybe you only raid, because anyone who is realistic about wow knows that they were terribly broken for all of wotlk. that only the most recent. see, blizz could have easily fixed many class imbalance issues years ago, but all they do is give hunters bubbles, druids more hots, etc etc lol. bioware is already proving that they are actually listening to their community, giving me confidence that if a class is broken, they might just try to fix it, lol.
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