OK so when i have the slot on bright and when i send a email to the wii the slot does not stay bright blue it kinda of goes really blue, then a lighter blue than another light blue, then bright blue agian, is this right or is it supposed to stay bright blue?
Is there a new one, when is it comming out? How much is it going to be? Is it going to be better than the one now the 5.5 generation? What new features will it have? and please give URL if you give information.
how come when i put connect 24 stanby off so its not on when the wii is off but wii connect 24 is on when i have the wii on but when i have it set so wii connect 24 only works when my system is on the internet doesnt work nor does anything else that needs the internet, why so i put wii connect 24 back on and it worked so why does this happen?
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