Since it's taking so long to make, it will be a bunch of PR spin. I really don't expect them to change their plans when they can probably convince people with some slick words.
I'm really not expecting anything new in terms of gameplay for the "next gen". If there is any real difference I think it will be minor, and at the same time exactly the same as the current gen consoles.
I'm amused at how he's in utter denial of the current state of the X1.
Ugggh... I respect the work they did on the game, but I'm not prepared to spend $80 on the full game. I will wait until the game gets a massive price drop, or the GOTY edition (with everything on disk) comes out... otherwise I will pass on it. I have absolutely no interest in multi-player either.
I agree with her. A lot of what passes for an exciting story in this industry boils down to "go kill this person/monster/alien/bad-guy.", or go fetch/drop-off something... and that's it.
Why do we see so many people who want a FF7 remake? Not that I want to see it again, but I will admit that the story was great when I played it for the first time.
M$ will try to spin this as much as possible. The bottom line, and the patents they have indicate this, is that M$ will make sure that only the right people watch a movie, listen to music, and play a game (or you get charged extra for it).
Everyone in front of it be monitored by the camera. On/Off, it doesn't make a bit of difference. You are either monitored by the camera or you aren't.
adroge1's comments