I hoped Platinum could do a fun game with this franchise; sadly, it just looks like something made halfheartedly just to get money from the show fanbase.
@bunchanumbers @veryDERPY It have sold almost 50k copies as last week; but that aside, man, more than 3k comments, and almost literally you have respondended to at least 20% of them.
@bunchanumbers @Neo_Sarevok The ps4 and the wii U are always fighting for the 3rd spot, but their sales aren't anything to brag about; the thing is that; sadly, its not gonna sale that good, I'm kinda supporting and advertising Bayonetta 2 to everyone I know IRL and here in the web; and mostly they all talk about is the New Smash and don't care about Bayo 2; it surely will sell more than in japan but at the end it won't be what it deserves.
@BeefoTheBold You can say that they are milking it with dancing all night; but man, even One Piece is getting a dancing game, so, i guess they just followed the trends with their most recognizable franchise.
So, the story is bad and the difficulty can be really frustrating; the gameplay kinda makes me want it, but I think I'm gonna wait for it to be at a bargain or something like that.
adsparky's comments