I'd be for legalizing drugs... And the options given the current situation don't leave a lot of room for interpretation, IMHO.
Current - Drugs are illegal. Entire criminal organizations have sprouted around this, leading to excessive amounts of crime and murder. The money funneled into drugs makes cartels more powerful and wealthy; the money funneled into the war on drugs is flushed, more often than not resulting in lives lost on both sides to accomplish nothing. Drugs are unregulated, and unsafe, costing millions in lives and emergency room visits. Drugs are laced with chemicals you'd never willingly ingest, and needles are shared, spreading disease and death. Treatment is stigmatized, because you have to admit to doing something criminal to get help and, because of the "war on drugs", you're looked down upon for being a criminal 'junkie'. Tougher access to drugs doesn't mean harder to get, but rather harder to pay for, leading to a spike in drug related criminal activity to procure the funds for purchase, assuming they take that route instead of resorting to selling themselves for it.
Decriminalized - drug cartels go the way of the dodo. It's hard to run a criminal empire on something easy and cheap to obtain legally (corporate hate aside). Money from sales goes into businesses and taxes. Drugs are regulated, safer, and there is no stigma associated with purchasing them, and they're likely cheaper... Far so, in some cases. Clean, easily obtained needles lead to less disease. Treatment is easier to get, with the programs possibly even being paid for with the tax money generated from the drugs themselves, along with more money for education, similar to smoking / alcohol. Our drug habit isn't causing thousands of deaths in other countries (and our own). Prison populations go down. Way, way down. Law enforcement time and resources can be reallocated to other activities.
Problems that might still exist are obvious - petty theft to obtain it from stores, vehicular and related deaths from doing things you shouldn't during use, deaths related to overdose. However, these problems exist and will exist regardless. I don't know about everyone else, but to me the "War on drugs" has been one of the largest wastes of money and lives of the last half century.
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