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aeonflux_453 Blog

House of Wax

House Of Wax

I For Real Love This Movie.
I Was Watching It Last Night.
Because, It's Almost Halloween.

I Am Curious To Know What
Your Favorite Scary Movies Are.

I Love:
1.House Of Wax (duh)
2.Silent Hill
5.Scream 2
6.When A Stranger Calls (Remake)
7.The Fog (Remake)
8.Ghost Ship
10.The Grudge

Those are just some of my favorites, so give me some of yours.

Wii && PS3 Box Art.

Wow, I must say, I'm impressed. The new covers for Sony and Nintendo's next gens look really cool.

Just a quick update.

If you wanna see the Wii's look up THE LEGEND OF ZELDA:TWILIGHT PRINCESS.

Stay Alive

Stay Alive.

 Unrated Version: B+
Rated Version:C

I just wanna say, if you are gonna see it, I would see the unrated version. It was gorier, creppier, and all around better. The story is told well, but some holes are definetly filled in the unrated version. The reason it was pg-13 to start with was the studio trying to get a wider audience. So, the gory deaths, and a lot of drug use, and sexuality were cut down. There are also alot of video game refrences, and since I went with non-gamer friends, I got most of the little throw ins. So all in all, if you want a fun, gory, entertaining popcorn flick. Rent this one, you won't be dissapointed. But if you have a love for Sophia Bush, I'd pick it up, I did. ;]

I'm not dead.

that was jsut my computer. lol.

well i just thought i'd let you people know i still have a pulse, and im not in the ground yet. lol. ;D

Go out of town

My Aunt Sally.
Who lives in Pittsburgh.
Said me & my cousin can come up.
For A couple days.
Go to the zoo, museums.
Can't wait.

Random Update.
So put that in your PSP.
And throw it at the wall.
Yeah, I went there.

Animal Crossing & From Russia With Love

Yes, I finally got these two.
I still had some cash flow from my vacation with the 'rents, but these sucked me dry. But, now I have 100 games on GSpot. ;]
..I like it so far, it's cute. Gonna get the DS one for sure.

..I've never watched a James Bond movie, but this game just looks so cool. I also think Sean Connery's voice is funny.

Trauma Center: Under The Knife

Sorry for the small pic.

It's so awesome, I can't believe I found it, so hard to find. Fun to play.

If you are lucky enough to find it, don't hesitate like I did. Pick it up there and then.