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Got a fresh copy of Dante's Inferno in my hands. About to go play it. Time to abandon all hope, ye who enter here.

Here is an update of my descent:

  1. Limbo - complete
  2. Lust - complete
  3. Gluttony - complete
  4. Greed - complete
  5. Anger - complete
  6. Heresy -complete (entering the City of Dis was awesome)
  7. Violence - complete
  8. Fraud - complete
  9. Treachery - complete
  10. Dark Forest DLC - complete
  11. Trials of St. Lucia - awaiting April 29, 2010

Final assessment: A hell of a trip that was well worth it. And an easy platinum trophy too.

Spinning in DJ Hero; Spinning in Batman

I cannot stop playing DJ Hero. I've been playing it almost exclusively since Christmas, and I still can't get enough. I need to take a break though; if I keep it up, I am almost certain to get carpal tunnel from the turntable controller, especially now that I'm trying to 5-star all songs on expert. Ugh. I'm amazed at how much I'm enjoying this game. I'm glad it won for GameSpot's 'Most Surprisingly Good Game.' I completely agree.

But, I will take a break and play Batman: Arkham Asylum and some of my old PSN games (Super Stardust HD, Critter Crunch, Shatter, WipEout HD) instead. I find I'm becoming a bit of a trophy chaser. Recently, I got a couple of the tougher trophies in Super Stardust HD—the 10X-multiplier one and the 15-tokens-in-a-single-boost one—and I was pretty pleased, and I enjoyed the process of getting the trophies, so why not, eh?

Batman's off to a good start, but I find something about the controls a bit wonky. Every time I enter a ventilation shaft, I start spinning in circles, and in the opposite direction from what I would expect. Although the game allows you to invert the analog sticks for camera movement, I just can't seem to get used to controlling the camera in this game no matter which way I set things. I'm always moving itin the wrong direction, and it'sreally slowing down my progress.Oh well. It's a small matter and either I'll get used to it or I'll give up after catching one too many boots to the throat from Harley Quinn while Ifigure out how tostop staring at the ceiling.

Ugh. What a stressful thought. Maybe I should play some more DJ Hero to unwind.

Or do I mean 'rewind'?

What makes DJ Hero awesome.

It isn't scratching the turntable peripheral. Although that is a lot of fun, I start to feel silly when I think too hard on what I am actually doing.

What makes DJ Hero awesome is the music.

What makes DJ Hero awesome is how each mix is more than the sum of its two component songs. It's something altogether fresh and unique that epitomizes the marvel of postmodern creation by refashioning the old into new configurations.

What makes DJ Hero awesome is how each mix can prompt you to relisten to the original tracks with a new ear, find a new appreciation for songs you did not appreciate previously, and discover new tracks and new artists you might not otherwise have known about.

What makes DJ Hero awesome is how using the turntable controller during gameplay gives you clues as to how songs were combined, crossfaded, and cut up to create these new, original mixes. Playing the game compels you to really pay attention to and appreciate both the music and the artistry of the DJ, which is what it's all about.

And what makes DJ Hero awesome is Daft Punk. Oh yeah!

Level 31 Today

My GameSpot level has almost caught up with my age.

Ippon! eh? I liked Samurai Shodown well enough. (What other games feature "Ippon"?)

Confessions of a Gamer: Warning Signs.

Last night, I caught myself playing Super Stardust HD, split-screen co-op with myself. With a Dual Shock in each hand, I played two ships simultaneously, trying to survive for three minutes... I could get a gold trophy.

Is this acceptable gaming behaviour? Or is this a warning sign?

Anyway. This event has coincided with a separate realization: the realization that I spend too much time thinking about video games.

I don't spend too much time playing video games, mind you, just too much time thinking about them. I don't play more than an hour a day on average. I don't think that's very much. But when I am not playing games, I am constantly checking my Google Reader feed for game news, checking GameSpot forums and my profile for new bits of info, making and revising checklists of things I want to accomplish in games, checking game FAQs, checking release dates of forthcoming games, planning my cash-saving to be able to pay for those games even months ahead of time.

I feel that it is more than I would like it to be. To that end, I am going to streamline. I am not going to play games any less. But I am going to spend less time doing all of the other game-related stuff.

And perhaps question myself a bit more carefully the next time I catch myself doing something improbable just for a trophy...

...even a gold one.

One Game for the Rest of Your Life

If you could only play one game for the rest of your life, what game would you choose?

I came across this question recently on Kotaku. Since then, I have spent much more time thinking about it than I ever would have thought necessary. It's a tough question!

Your first instinct might be to choose your favourite game at any given moment. Right now, I'm really enjoying DJ Hero over all other games, but I wouldn't want to play it for the rest of my life. I know it'll grow old before too long. Or you might think about the best game you've ever played. Portal is one of the best games I've ever played, but after playing it through twice, most of the reply value has worn off. I wouldn't want that game either.

I might have been quicker to choose a game when I was younger. At various times, I might have picked Bubble Bobble, River City Ransom, Street Fighter II, SimCity, Dr. Mario, Doom, WarCraft II, or Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution. But none of these games strike me as being the One Game anymore.

It would need to be a game with lasting power. It would need high replayability. I would like a game with action—sims, puzzlers, and classic RPGs are fun, but, with only one game, I would want to be in direct control of someone doing something. But I would also like the ability to choose from a selection of characters and be able to customize those characters for different play experiences each time—many FPSs would get eliminated here, as would games with only one character with a linear power-up path. I would want a large world to explore—that leaves fighting games out. And, thinking on perspective, I would prefer third-person to first-person: given the choice, I prefer seeing my character.

Ultimately, considering all these criteria, the game I would pick, I think, is Diablo II. It's not my favourite game of all time, but it's a good game, and it's highly replayable. Seven characters. Lots of customization through skills and equipment. Randomly-generated worlds. Multiple difficulty levels. Sure, mouse-clicking isn't the most intense action, but it's better than a classic RPG. Plus, you could spend AGES collecting the unique sets of randomly-dropping equipment.

I considered a couple of other action-RPGs too. I considered Titan Quest, but its maps aren't randomly-generated, and you can only pick between a generic male and female character. I also considered Torchlight, but it has only three character classes, and I haven't yet played it enough to see how deep it runs. I might have picked Diablo III, but I don't want to commit myself—even hypothetically--to a game that isn't out yet.

So, yeah, if I could play only one game for the rest of my life, I would choose Diablo II.

What about you?

How Gaming Affects the Way I Think; or, Babyhood with RPG-Elements

My son turns one tomorrow. He's been around for a full year. That's longer than my PS3.

He's been acquiring new skills pretty rapidly lately. This evening I watched as he repeatedly transferred himself from a crawling position to a sitting position. He couldn't do this even a few days ago.

Then,a thought crossed my mind, and it took a few moments before I realized the absurdity of it: "I wonder what he'll spend his next skills points on."

Totally Spoiled for Games this Season

I got 6 games this holiday season! That's gotta be a personal record. Plus, I got a new Dual Shock 3 to replace the one my son accidentally broke. (I can play Critter Crunch once again!) I'm totally spoiled and I'm set for a 2010 of mega-gaming goodness.

Here's what I got:

  • Games I asked for: DJ Hero & Batman: Arkham Asylum
  • Unexpected games from by bro-in-law: Civilization Revolution & Genji: Days of the Blade
  • Games I bought for less than $10 combined during Steam's holiday sale: Braid & Torchlight

So far, I've really only been playing DJ Hero. It's my first music-peripheral game, and it's awesome. Much more my scene than the Guitar Hero and Rock Band games. I love the music, and I am a total sucker for Daft Punk. I admit I feel a bit silly playing it, but it's all good. The wikka-wikka turntable scratching is pure satisfaction.

Looking forward to Batman. Arkham Asylum was my fave B-man graphic novel: creepy, atmospheric, head-trippy. And I like that, in the game, Batman doesn't actually kill anyone; he just knocks them out. Batman's locked in an institution chock-full of armed nutcases and sociopaths, and he makes a concerted effort not to kill a single one of them. Nice.

Don't know much about Civ: Revolution or Genji. I played the original Civ for PC back in the day, so I'm curious to see what this console version is like. I hope I can play as Gandhi. And we'll see about Genji. Could be cool.

I got Braid for $2.50! Not bad considering it's so highly acclaimed. Not bad considering it's $14.99 on PSN. Not bad for a gme I've been considering buying anyway for some time now.

And I got Torchlight for $5.00! Not bad considering it's a refinement of Diablo-style, phat-lewt-collecting, click-click-clicking madness.

Again, I'm totally spoiled. Shame on me if I buy another game before Spring.

And I say that, knowing full well that Dante's Inferno comes out in February…

10 things I wish my PSP could do

  1. Display written documents (digital comics are a step in the right direction, but I would like text-only docs too)
  2. Take voice and/or text memos (speech-to-text capability would be awesome!)
  3. Create personal achievement lists for my games (or a more general to-do list creator)
  4. Load games as fast as NES for truly instant game play
  5. Trophy support
  6. Release a steady stream of games that actually interest me
  7. Hold at least 80GB worth of data
  8. Have greater music player control with the PSP earphone remote (e.g. an easier way to navigate my music collection than skipping through songs one at a time)
  9. Improved web browsing that can handle pages greater than 2MB or whatever the limit is
  10. Find room somewhere for a keyboard to facilitate all the text stuff I want to do

Am I just wishing my PSP were a netbook with Google Apps or an iPod Touch or something?