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#1 aesir05
Member since 2003 • 94 Posts

Hi, I made a new system a few months ago. Core i7 2600K on the Maximum IV Z68 board.

I have been very happy with my system overall except the hard drive I chose.

I picked out the OCZ Vertex 3 250G MAX IOPS SSD and its been giving me problems ever since.

I'll link this thread. It seems to cover most of the issues that I've encountered. I've sort of learned to live with the hard drive as the issues are not taking place all the time. As of this moment I think Google has deleted all references to the problems people had with this drive. Regardless I need help of a different kind.

I need to get myself a new SSD, I'll be happy to use this drive for other purposes in my system (Steam for example), but I need a drive that is 100% reliable, fast and has not been having mass spread issues that a lot of people have been having.

This SSD I need to buy and use, I cannot have it freezing or locking every once in a while. I'll stick to the OCZ Vertex 3 if I wanted that :)

I just need help finding a rock solid SSD. Any and all help would be highly appreciated.

*(As I said, I am having trouble finding issues with this drive on Google at the moment, however if there was a miracle cure I'd be interested in knowing about that as well please)

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#2 aesir05
Member since 2003 • 94 Posts

I just finished reading the review for Deus Ex HR and I just thought that the review on a technical level was based too much on the Xbox360 version.

The reviewer Kevin VanOrd does mention that the load times are notacbly better on the PC and went on to mention other things as well.

Writing reviews can not be easy, but it would be nice if reviews had a seperate paragraph detailing the drawbacks that the game has on a specific platform, such as you could write in the PC reviews if it fails in x ways, or the x360 review could mention in its paragraph how load times are really long. Putting together a universal review for all platforms is all right but it would be better if reviews mentioned the technical drawbacks the game may have on a specifc platform.

Now I don't speak for everyone but I didn't really notice any major technical issues while playing Deus Ex and loading times were next to nothing, this could be because I have a decent rig but sites like Gamespot probably get hardware which is much better than mine.

So in short if I was reading the Battlefield 3 review for PC, I would be more interested in any problems or enhancements which the PC version benefits from, and if I was reading the xbox 360 or PS3 review I'd be more inclined to read how the game handles those systems.

It just seems to me that the reviews are primarily based on one platforms performance and slapped on with stickers to say that this is a PC review and this is a PS3 review and such.

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#3 aesir05
Member since 2003 • 94 Posts

Try the Logitech Z2300 or the Razer Mako

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#4 aesir05
Member since 2003 • 94 Posts

Played Street Fighter 2 in the arcades and insisted I wanted one at home, finally saved up to buy the console and went and bought NES when I should've bought Mega Drive 2 instead since SF2 was only out on the MG2.

Played lots of Super Mario Bros. on it and then finally upgraded to MG2, never played Street Fighter on it since there were so many other games that kept me busy like Pirates! and more

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#5 aesir05
Member since 2003 • 94 Posts

Have you tried to force the dvd to boot first

You can setup your optical drive to boot first from the setup menu or press one of the hot keys which gives you an option on which drive to boot first

I believe they are usually F9 to F12 so press em all and see if you get a menu

The DVD might have originally booted if the hard drive was not partitioned.

Lastly you can try removing the hard drive from the laptop and putting it in a desktop and formatting it.

Usually laptops make it easier for hard drives and rams to be removed so you won't really have to open up the entire laptop and void warranty, its pretty straightforward and should be mentioned in the manual how to do it.

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#6 aesir05
Member since 2003 • 94 Posts

All my games

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#7 aesir05
Member since 2003 • 94 Posts

Hotmail has aliases now that you can use.

Try unsubscribing from the service if possible.

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#8 aesir05
Member since 2003 • 94 Posts

So I'm in the market to replace my old 5770 and I've narrowed it down to these two cards.



Is the gigabyte one worth the extra $25?


I couldn't find it on newegg but go for the GTX 570 DirectCU II

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#9 aesir05
Member since 2003 • 94 Posts

I remember Outcast using Voxel tech back in the day.
Big deal back then since not a lot of people had GPUs and to get a GPU was another headache as there was no standard.

What would run well on 3Dfx might be crap on Glide and so on

Go Aussies!!!

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#10 aesir05
Member since 2003 • 94 Posts

I've got a G73SW, I have had no such issue, maybe you ought to rma it or something

I did get it customized when i got it, made it a bit beefier, often play Witcher 2 on high settings and still never heard fans even though it has 2 exhaust fans