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afenla Blog

His Reply Was Non-Committal, I am What I am

So what's up with you all? How's everybody doing? What is your mood today? I'm fine. Well, I still can't say I'm 100% happy now, since nothing actually has been changed since Tuesday. But I came to several decisions, and I'm ok with them. My biggest worry of this week, the work on Thursday night, is over, and I can calm down now... Until the next drama, of course :P I hope I haven't caused anyone to worry about me in my previous blog. Most of my blogs are enjoyable and funny, but I do tend to get into this drama once in a while. I wanna thank you all for your support in my tough moments. :D Joelle, you are the best! ;) Monster, I'm happy you made it to my blog eventually :lol: Too often man handles life as he does the bad weather, He whiles away the time as he waits for it to stop Alfred Polgar You all know what's about to come in just 4 seconds... 3... 2... 1... Now! Mark Owen | Four Minute Warning Four minutes left to go, Is this the end then? Message on your stereo, Four minute warning, Everybody wants to know, What should we do? A few short stories, A four minute warning... I don't know, I just LUUUVVV this song for so long, and this week I found that it has a video! I can't describe how happy I was! :oops:
Much Love and *hugs*, ~Afenla

I Know You Wanna Be My Salvation

Introduction to the Blog. Oh, these words were supposed to be replaced with a real intoduction... *cough* Tuesday already. February already. It's 2007 people. Man, how time flies. I hate saying that, but one day you just wake up in the morning and realize you wasted your all life for nada. And what's the use? Why don't we do what we like, enjoy what we love, be with people who care about us? Why does everything in life has to be so difficult, so tough? I mean, you always get stuck with the wrong people. You always find yourself arguing we the one you believed to be someone who cares about you, but in one turn of face, happens to be your biggest enemy. I know not all of us can be the same, I admit that this could be very boring. But why do all of the wrong people are centered at one place? Is it a law or something? It's been a long time now I feel so sad. So desperate. I'm not enjoying life as I thought I would. I always do the same things, over and over. Nothing's new. Nothing's interesting anymore. Why does it have to be like that? Take That | Patience Do you have it? Can I'm running out of patience. Waiting is not fun for me. Blog title was also referring to this song. :)
I know this is not the blog you all expect me to write, but I had to take it all out. Sorry ;) Much Love and *hugs*, ~Afenla

Tiger's Eye

Long time no Blog! Now, it's not that I don't want to blog. It's just that I don't have time for it. Why, you'd ask immediately. I assume I have the answer for you all: Work + Tiredness - No Creativity - No Ideas = No Blogs. Therefore, if we use simple mathematics, Work + Tiredness = No Blogs + No Creativity + No Ideas. A lil more simplicity, with basic multiple rules, Work + Tiredness = No (Blogs + Creativity + Ideas). And then, while Blogs = Creativity = Ideas, Work + Tiredness = 3No And lastly, Work = 3No - Tiredness So, coming to a conclusion that Work is No, No, No, but less the Tiredness. Interesting fact, I guess :roll: Monster, where are you Monster, I have a YouTube video for you! :oops: Sinergia | Guilty Since I know how much you just LUUVVV Sinergia, I brought their new song right to your ears (and eyes). Ashem, or Guilty (actually the translation is, The One To Blame), is the new song, which I already just LUUUVVVV. Do you just LUUUUVVVV it too?? You can all try if you wish. Israeli Rock is da Bestest!!!! :P
It's The Eye Of The Tiger! Where? Where?????? So, to end this crazy blog, I will step off right here... Much Love and *hugs*, ~Afenla

I Will Be Right Here, Waiting For You

This blog is dedicated to all those people with duplicate personalities, and/or triplicate personalities, and/or several desperate emotions for lazy dogs that weigh more than a usual truck. This blog is also dedicated to all of my friends, whether they are virtual, and/or real, and/or metamorphosed, and/or having some sort of photosynthesis transformation in which they will end up eating sand and sunbathing all day. This blog is also dedicated to all those music lovers, and/or TV lovers, and/or theory lovers, mainy people who enjoy conspiracy stories of aliens ruling all those high positions of the government, eventually taking over the whole planet, which will be overruled by crazy giant Bluetooth Speakers. In case you wondered why there are so many cellphone anthens (and/or anthems) all around the place. Richard Marx | Right Here Waiting One of the greatest love songs of all time (personally, and/or literally, speaking, of course), which I will never have enough of hearing. Plus, original old versions DO 100% of the times sound better ;) Some more dedications (and/or shoutouts): Monster- Above song is dedicated to you. Hope you enjoyed listening ;) Jo- My last blog hasn't recovered yet from you not commenting in it :( BB- My hero! Wishing you a calm weekend filled with good news :) Next time on Afenla's blog: More about the And/Or theory, with more surprising discoveries! Much Love and *hugs*, ~Afenla

There Were Times, I Could Tell

The Chinese say: For every minute that passes, no more rice will be added. So it's Thursday again. My week has ended. My weekend just begins. Woo-Hoo? I guess not. Maybe a little Wheeee for the rainy Saturday that is ahead of us, but what other reasons do I have for happiness? The Chinese say: Time is like a bus. From the moment you've lost it, you'll never get to it again. Saturday is also Tu-Bish'vat (or, 'Tu' of 'Shvat', the 15th day of month Shvat). The holiday of the trees. The New-Year's day of the agriculture, the day when students and nature-lovers go to plant new little trees. :P We also went today from work to plant trees for Tu-Bish'vat. It was nice to plant a new young tree, knowing that some years from now it will grown and beautiful :oops: One tradition of the holiday is to eat dried fruit. I don't like them too much :D The Chinese say: In order to save time, you have to first build a cross-dimensional timebox. And that's hard enough. Hurray for my new BANNER? How do you like my new BANNER? I know it's not fancy as my previous red-black one, but still, it's new, and... Glorious, and... NEW? :oops: So coming to a conclusion, there are still a few reasons to be happy this weekend. Everybody FOLLOW me to the hills... We're gonna plant a tree, for you and me... Spetember | Looking For Love Time to party with September (it's February now, you crazy Afenla), and their best song Looking for Love!!! September Rulez!!!11 The Chinese say: Time has no wings. But it flies. That's all for now, oh, before I go... PS. All chinese idioms are fabricated. PS. There's no song such as We're gonna plant a tree, for you and me... Much Love and *hugs*, ~Afenla

Flames to Dust, Lovers to Friends

I couldn't resist hiding some words today... Hey! Long enough since my last blog, I realized just now, after seeing Jo writing a new blog today (FINALLY?!), and Monster writing two new blogs these two days. So I said to myself, Afenla, wake up you lil buddy, it's time to brush that hair, straighten up your back, and leave that lonely island of these lonely people who don't write blogs anymore Too much info, I guess... Anyway, I tell ya, Afenla, it's time to write a new blog! So what if you don't know what to write about? Joelle does that all the time With no intention of hurting, you know that honey :oops: Even finding a blog title is not such a tough work to do. Just take a note from one of the songs you are hearing now! Interesting blog so far, isn't it? Blogtitle refers to Nelly Furtado - All good Things (Come To An End). :D We can also write about some important things, such as people who has seperate personalities (not that we have such kind, huh?), or people who argue badly about minor stuff (not us, right?) So even though I had nothing to write about, I found myself writing a full page of boring philosophical ideas, for example, "How the And/Or theory will affect the modern world?", or "And/Or, for losers or for blog posters?" They don't wanna read it! Stop that now! They wanna hear a YouTube video, that's what they wanna do now! And afterwards they will go to sleep anyway, so what's the use? Vibekingz & Maliq - She's Like The Wind Whether you've heard it on the radio by now, or whether you didn't, and you are just familiar with the old version, be sure that the cover version doesn't fall to meet high standards. Just give it a try, will ya?
Where do hidden words go to when the sun sets and the stars shine? You see, you have a blog there! Just don't forget to thank everyone affiliated, and that's all BB, you're the greatest warrior Earth has ever known! I keep you in mind as you go through the rough stages of recovery, and I can't wait for you to blog again! Carlos, I hope you won't vanish after BB's return, you're precious for us, besides being the best friend there is! Joelle, you have a GREAT-PIECE-of-a-BANNER there, y'all might wanna go have a look! I Luuuuv it ;) Elin, well, have you found them words yet? Much Love and *hugs*, ~Afenla

Watch The Tables Turn

Some hidden words, dedicated to Elin! I've been working the night yesterday. Again. Does this life can ever be fair? Every second weekend is being destryed by work, and/or rain, and/or whatever else with the same idea. That's why I didn't blog yesterday, and almost couldn't find the time to blop a lil. But I did blopped, for the record, and/or the CD, and/or the tape cassette that was bought 10 years ago and didn't melt yet :D I know, I'm a lil bit crazy today. Between Wednesday to Thursday I slept 3 hours, I slept 4 hours Thursday noon, 6 hours during work, and 8 more hours today morning-noon. A bit odd, and/or weird, and/or totally insane. Now I'm ok, but I feel I should post a funny blog. Are you all ok with it? :P
I'd never sleep on such a pillow. It scares me. Sleeping and dreaming about binary numbers, you might fall off to the Matrix reality. I had enough programming during highschool, I love it no more :lol: Talking about dreaming, who never dreams about the past? About going back in time to when everything was so calm and easy, so innocent and naive? I'd personally like to return to the 90s, when I was still a young student. But since the 80s wasn't bad at all too, here's a merchandise. Darren Hayes - 1980 Me (Crush) Darren Hayes, ex lead singer of Savage Garden (Note to self- bring some Savage Garden music to hear here), with a song fully dedicated to the lovely 80s, from the games, to the cloths and the people. Worth watching. The above blog, and/or its writer, and/or its readers, should not, can not and must not be taken seriously, theoretically and/or virtually, horizontally and/or vertically. There's a present for Elin around there in the blog ;) Much Love and *hugs*, ~Afenla

Slangzta Gone Wild (pt. II)

Previously on Slangzta Gone Wild: Afenla has presented several of his own language (Hebrew) Slang terms. And now, the continuation... Bombs to the Eyebrows - (Realting to beauty, perfection or any other measured stuff) Perfect, great, wonderful, extraordinary. The ceremony was bombs to the eyebrows, so interesting! [There's] No Situation - No chance, no way. (Also exists as positive - There's a situation). Listen to me, there's no situation I'm preparing this work until tomorrow, ok? To Knock a Look - Wearing yourself perfectly, with the best clothes, mode and fashion. Yesterday the knocked a look, this white shirt goes perfect with their pants! Total Touch - Somebody Else's Lover I didn't know this band and/or song before a few hours ago, but this song makes you feel so good and relaxed, you just can't give up on listening to it! Tomorrow I won't be able to be on, so see you all on Thursday! ;) Much Love and *hugs*, ~Afenla

Joelle, Here, I Do Blogs!

First of all, I wanna salute Joelle, Her Majesty, Queen of the white Kingdom, A Great Lady on a Bright Horse, for keeping me writing these blogs. You're the bestest Jo! Ay, another busy week had started. And again, you find yourself again waking up early (9:00am, I got to go late today for last week's long hours), annoying yourself with the public transport (there weren't such traffic jams at 11:00am, it's pretty late), arriving at work (just when most of the people went out to eat), being asked the same "How Was Your Weekend" questions (I skipped this part today), and finally going home at 5:30 (not gonna happen when the technician finds so many mishaps with the machine, and you feel ashamed even for calling him up to come today. Couldn't it wait for tomorrow morning?), And ariving home oh-so-tired (I ate lots of waffles, that helped a lot). Not bad comparing it's my first photo-blog ever, ah? :P Bryan Rice | No Promises Such a sensitive singer, such a melting song, such a great soundtrack. You'd need nothing else to complete the mood. Just shed a tear and concentrate, while listening to this. Wishing all of you a great and wonderful week, Much Love and *hugs*, ~Afenla

If Someone Said Three Years From Now...

All the good wishes in the world to BB, the strongest fighter I've ever known! Her status has significally improved during the last several days: She talks, she remembers everything (including us), and she's getting stronger. The word strength has a new term: BBnator! :D It's time to get used to Afenla's new icon: Just until I'm bored enough to switch again... Could be tomorrow, could be next year :P Another busy (verrry busy) week has ended. Some of you may have noticed that I almost couldn't find the time to comment yesterday and Wednesday. I don't work on Fridays (for Joelle's attention), so I could sleep a lot today. Now I feel just as new. Except for the pain in my back, which I'm almost sure is due to the way I fell asleep yesterday on the couch. :oops::oops: Never again, this I promise. :P MadTV | R Kelly Sketch I don't know how many of you know/watch MadTV (I, personally, don't, coz I can't), but I recently found this sketch, a spoof of R Kelly, made and sung just like any other R Kelly Drama. Especially according to R Kelly's video's with Ron Isley. Classic.
And just to make clear: Joelle, I'm not a Queen fan. Only likes 3 of their songs. That doesn't make me a fan. Right? :P:P Much Love and *hugs*, ~Afenla