The real question is, why the hell havsn't anyone made a good snowboarding game for the next gen consoles? My favourite snowboarding game is still 1080 snowboarding for the N64. Nothing has ever matched it in gameplay mechanics compared to the real thing.DysanticI know? I LOVED 1080 snowboarding but since then theres only been one that I can still play today to get my fix and its Amped 2. It was awesome and Amped 3 they went downhill. I just wish they could take Amped 2, Stoked and Skate 1,2, and 3 and mash em together. It would be beautiful
afleury226's forum posts
Yeah man Im glad you gave a solid reply. I mean why dont they tackle this? Why dont they sponser some of the olympic and Xgames snowboarders like Travis Rice, Louie Vito and hell even Shaun White if he isnt contracted with that past game anymore you know, they could benefit from it. I think it would be a great game and if they did do it I personally would buy it 100 times just to show my appreciation hahaha. Yes they just need to go back to the roots of competition and not stupid challenges from Tony Hawk.They did announce a new SSX game but from what I've heard the trailer was underwhelming to most... I hear ya on a snowboarding game with Uncharted 2 / Killzone 3 like snow effects / graphics... I will never touch a Shaun White game because it's cartoony and appeals / targetsto ayoung age demographic and I know it's about profit and not development / taking risks... It's a money grab like Tony Hawk was after the 1st couple they are just trying to profit off of Shaun White the name that's all the product is crap and the hardcore gamers/ snowboard fans know it... I'd love to see Cool Boarders revived that game was awesome back in the day because it was actually about boarding not Tony Hawk like objectives where you have to smith grind 5 birds off of a telephone wire... A serious game where you go to actual mountains and board with your friends online would be SICK... Personally I've been waiting for a new BMX game like the Dave Mirra's back in 1999-2001... My friend always keeps asking about a new wakeboard game (Not the $10 one that's on the PSN) but a serious one not one where you get eat by sharks while lining up for a kicker... I'd like to see more $$$ pushed into extreme sport video games because they were huge 10 years ago but they milked franchises clean and made objectives so outlandish after time instead of focusing on competition side of things because really that's all it's about when you play against serious gamers... Kinda why Skate franchised worked because they actually got back to the skating side / competition side of things and also made it look pretty instead of steering it somewhere else like they did with Tony Hawk...
Probably because the Skate engine was built for skateboarding. :?foxhound_foxRight but you can modify and tweak it to become a legit engine based off of skate. Rather than starting from scratch.
I think its because snow boarding does not have as many "tricks" as skateboarding....but that would be awesome, a skate-like snowboarding game. Nice Idea.YewBaccaYeah but the creativeness would make up for it. Seeing as snowboarders go bigger than skateboarding. All of the features are bigger or can be bigger.
Your right, but as I stated snowboarding is more mainstream than skateboarding and if they really stood by the game and marketed it right it could easily sell better than the Skate Series guaranteed.It would be skate all over again but just on snow. Also the last time I heard/read skating games weren't selling well anymore. Skating games don't differ much from snowboarding games in terms of gameplay. It'll be a while until someone takes another shot at them.
Not saying I'm against the idea, Skate 3 was an amazing game.
Yeah but thats why its called picking your line and thats why they made the SESSION MARKER. So you can session a set up over and over.B/C snowboarding only has 1 place you can go- down.
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