afterburner1313's forum posts
Eh, my advice is to just play the game and learn as you go. If you want some help with quests (specifically, the location of quests), is a great resource. Also, I find that if you look too much into what you are "supposed" to be doing, or what is the "proper" way of doing things, much of the fun gets stripped away. Just play and enjoy. ILostOnJeprody
I hear ya just kind of do it my own way, sounds good
anythings else anyone?
So i just got a ten day free trial and im trying it out, i might buy a 60 day card. But anyway im curious if anyone could give me some tips, some tricks of the trade. Im a elf rogue and things seem to be goin ok ive done a few quests and i think im a level 8 now. So does anyone have some quick ways to get xp or some tips i could apply to everyday quests or misssions.
WoW tag- Jstein
[QUOTE="xsubtownerx"][QUOTE="killerkane246"]Mass effect 2 wish list:
1: Multiplat
Um.. no.
yeah i know, all we need is another stupid multiplatform game. if you want ME, get a 360
This is the dumbest video i've seen in along time. The funny thing is yesterday in my college sociology class we watched a video about how fox scuews the news to meet quotas for audiences and Murdoch (owner of fox and other various media outlets) sends out emails on how to approach the report, actually reporting it, and how to evaluate it. He gives them specific things to put emphasis on to make it seem more controversial. Watch this video and give me responses.
***Look for at the end when the psychologist gets in her point of view (the one about the report at harvard i think) then they cut the game expert off and dont even let him respond. Welcome to the reality of fox and all of their biast opinions and reporting techniques, It's BS!!!
*****I REALIZE ITS OLDER FOOTAGE, i just wanted everyone's take on it!
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