Mass effect brought a very well thought out sci-fi factor to the RPG, but some still thought it was in need of many upgrades what do you guys think? As a first time RPG player when i picked up mass effect i thought it was really amazing and addicting. So what am i missing out on in Mass Effect that other RPG's have?
One thing they cant stop is the user review opinions that appear when people look at the game. If they censor that then they can kiss their user fanbase good bye.
honestly, there is really no point to it unless you like losing and gaining all your guns and skins back again, its a nice idea but they should make some perks out of it instead of just medalsPlaTiNuM24k
I kinda like reseting everything, i really like to hear the music when i get a challenge and you start to miss it once your higher ranked, but i think the perk idea is good, like they should of saved "stopping power" for the people who have prestiged atleast once, a little bonus for the people who make the most out of the game
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