Nice! I have a question, how can i get these trailers on my ps3 without losing their quality?I have a 2 gig memory stick for my psp that i can put it on but can i make a folder on there called PS3 and then inside there put a folder called VIDEO so that my ps3 can recognize the video?kinda like how you get the themes on there. thanks!
there not that big of files only 19.23 MB you can fit them on your memeory stick. you dont have to do any thing crazy to get them off your memory stick. just selct it from the movie tap hit triangle on the memory stick tab then click "display all" then just copy the videos and your all done!
woah only 20 mb?I'm downloadingthe FFXIII one from and it is around 131 mb for the 1080p one! I'm going to download the versus one from you though, which was my favorite video of the two. Thanks again for putting them up and the help!
Nice! I have a question, how can i get these trailers on my ps3 without losing their quality?I have a 2 gig memory stick for my psp that i can put it on but can i make a folder on there called PS3 and then inside there put a folder called VIDEO so that my ps3 can recognize the video?kinda like how you get the themes on there. thanks!
So i want to get the new FFXiii and vsXIII trailers on my ps3, i need to download them from but it takes forever just to try to get in let alone download them but once i do get them in 720p or 1080, how would i be able to get them on my ps3? I have max media manager for my psp and when i try to convert other files onto my psp, it changes the resolution on the video to 368 x 208 which looks really bad...
so my question is if anyone knows how i can get it on my ps3 without losing the quality? does anyone else know of a site to downlaoad the trailers or a way to convert the files so i can just put them on my memory stick without having to use the media manager?
holy **** thank you!ffXIII is ok to me but FFvsXIII looks insanely awesome!im more hyped for that game than ffxiii... holy crap i've already seen it like 3 times and right when hes all teleporting down the building and impales that guy in midair!man i like the atmosphere and general feel to the game. I cant wait for it!too bad that it is probably going to come out in '09
My two favorite games of all time are FF7 and Chrono Trigger. If you mean on PS3, then it would be Uncharted for SP and CoD4 for MP with Warhawk coming in a close second.
so far i couldn't resist, i opened up 2 of presents early :(
Assassin's Creed and Oblivion :D
but my Mom's gonna let me get one more game! :D i'm stuck on either UT3, The Orange Box, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, or Ratchet and Clank. i might go with the orange box, seeing as how the amount of gaming goodness there is in there is beyond belief. if not, then UT3. i have some questions on Uncharted though.
1. does it have replay value? 2. is it fun from beginning to end? 3. any unlockables?
thanks for the help, and happy holidays :D MasterChief1013
The only game i have out of that list is Uncharted and that game is fun!I think its the best ps3 game so far besides warhawk. I have Assassins creed and it was pretty fun but i still like uncharted better.I bought it on friday along with Chrono Trigger and ff4 and ive been playing uncharted, there is a medal system that gives it replay value depending on whether you want to do it or not and you can unlock different costumes and skins for Nathan. so i would say it is a pretty good deal.
yea it happened to me, although i was air marshall and i didnt really have the points i needed to be one so i put in warhawk the other day after putting COD4 down and now im like a wing leader or something like that but its like the 5th or 6th rank... it sucks cause i had some cool armor!
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