I live in Greece and the majority of Ds games cost 35-40 Euro...I think that catridges should be cheaper, as UMDs have the same cost...
A good FPS is Medal Of Honor : Heroes (2).As for third person shooters , i think that Killzone : Liberation is the best option... It has a really good multiplayer mode so it's quite long.
I 've voted GTA : VCS. I think it's much better than LCS. Another good choise is Crisis Core -FF VII-.
GTA : VCS (superior to LCS)Crisis Core :FF VII. A great Action-RPG and one of the best games on psp. Silent Hill : Origins .If you are a horror fan , this is the best choise.
Thre are many people who think that SE saved the psp last month. I dissagree but without doubt , the company really boosted it... I ,too, hope other companies to follow in the footsteps of SE. Psp needs it...
GOW is too short and it doesn't have much replay value.So i suggest SF : Logan's Shadow. It's a great game and i quite like the ad-hoc...
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