aggelos6's forum posts
Crisis Core FF VII , is the best game i've played on psp and it lasts about 25 hours. Killzone :Liberation is a great game too. Unfortunately, the main story doesn't last long but the ad-hoc multiplayer mode is brilliant (both competitive and co-op)...
note:MGS : PO+ is a very good choise , especially if you are an MGS fan.
Nope, not really.
The PSP is just too inferior when it comes to RPGs.
What are you tlking about ? PSP has Crisis Core :FF VII , FF Tactics: War of The Lions and the remakes of FF I & II. They are not many, but they are all impressive...
I think that Vice City Stories is much better than LCS.Gameplay , variety in vehicles and storyline are all btter in VCS...Anyway , both games are exciting !
To help both of you with materia i will try to explain: First and foremost to use a materia you must first equip it . So go to "Equipment" and equip them. Most materia can be used during a battle with the shoulder buttons and by pushing X. Some of them ,however, like HP,MP,AP ups etc cannot be used during a battle and that's why they are not on the list "Commands" (Go to "Equipment" and you will see it). They are just used to increase you HP ,for example. Now, leveling up a materia: Leveling up a materia depends on DMW (Digital Mind Wave).It can only happen when a Limit Verge is taking place and two same numbers appear. For example: You have equiped some materia: Blizzard is in the first slot while Cure is second on the list "Equipment". A limit Verge is taking place and two "2" appear. "Cure" which is placed in the second slot will level up.The same thing would happen to "Blizzard" if two "1" appeared .There are 5 levels : Level 1"" to "4" and ,finally, level "Master" .Fusing materia : After a certain point you will be able to fuse materia. Go to "matria fusion" and simply choose two materia to fuse. Later you will be able to include and items. If you fuse two materia of the same type the result will be a materia of the same type but a bit enchanced. For example: Fusing "Fire" Level 1 MaG+1 and "Fire" Level MASTER MAG+3 will have as a result a "Fire" Level 1 MAG+4. On the other hand , fusing two completely different materia will create a totally new materia which is quite interesting. That's all i can tell you...If you have more questions post ...
PS : Sorry for my terrible English...I will try to improve them...
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