[QUOTE="Malta_1980"] [QUOTE="lusitanogamer"]Although there are a few important reviews still remaining to be seen, i think we can all pretty much agree that, in the end, Killzone 2 will be an AAA game.
Guerrilla Games has done something amazing. After a mediocre first game, after all the bashing and pressure they have went through these years, they managed to stay strong and deliver us an amazing game. I think Guerrilla should get a lot of credit for what they have endured and what they have achieved.
Congratulations Guerrilla Games.Martin_G_N
completely agree my friend... this should serve as a lesson to all the haters (not just KZ2 haters but in general) that devs/games shouldnt be just judged by how bad/good previous titles have been coming from the same dev or same series....
KZ1 was an average game and got bad scores but GG believed in the series, convinced sony of its potential and with a considerable investment, larger team, hard work, longer develpment cycle the end result is what we are seeing today which is KZ2 being highly praised and getting great scores..
Yeah...agree. The things they achieved with the PS3 just with enough work is truly outstanding. Guerilla did'nt have an engine for the PS3 they could improve on like Epic had with Gears 2. The UE3 engine has been developed over just as many years as the KZ2 engine has, and the KZ2 engine blows UE3 engine out of the water, specially because it utulizes the Cell better. Go Guerilla and all the other exclusive devs who takes they're chances on the PS3!!unreal engine 3.0 can do better graphics than killzone2 but it's all up to the skill of the developer.
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