mmmmmmmmmm , i said before !!! , Wii u out of the challenge . moreover stuck developing old games , like mario and pokemon !!! forget the we grow up and we need more action
i like my xbox360 more than my ps3 !! but after E3 , i guess i will like PS4 more than xbox one , and no need to explain because everybody watched E3 and know why
@kazama99 , Microsoft will win this console war , with kinect , entertainment system , and with the powerful GPU , Processor , and RAM . even i Find the Xbox one much more like VCR . but it is the true that we should know about Microsoft .
btw on the 1st release i will buy PS4 but im sure xbox one will win with war again
@kazama99 Nintendo stuck in the past , i was playing Mario and i enjoyed all series until 1999-2000 then moved to play Pokemon , and i enjoyed playing it much more , i had game boy , game boy color, game boy advance , Wii , and 3DS , but i guess they forget that i grow up . Mario and Pokemon are not my games any more, i m 25 years old now !! i would love to play games like mass effect , assassin creed , Gears Of War , God Of War . Final Fantasy , Kill Zone , halo , .... etc . Nintendo every couple of years releases Mario and Pokemon with much better graphics and with nothing new else , even with the same story for Mario and Pokemon . i played most of The games On Wii , the controller is cool and they find new way for controllers . but forgot that the control of most of its games is week and u can't play well while you are playing with IR and motion system .
they developed new games on Wii system like just dance and just dance 2 !! i liked both very much , but Microsoft with kinect did much better with just dance 3 and 4 .
final fantasy on PSX system is great , what about wii final Fantacy ??!!
even with Wii U I still find that PS3 graphics Is much better that Wii U
@amdreallyfast @ahmadwow i know , but they can add new feature like multiplayers !!! dont u think that games which u play it as story mode only , u just play it twice or 3 times at lest at max
ahmadwow's comments