@evil_m3nace @qewretrytuyiuoi yes, and bethesda made a tribute to one of the thief games (in one of the guards conversations you can hear)but that's not the point , i just hope they didn't go back to developing it after no thief games for 7 years just for the sake that dishonored was a success
guys , it's really simple , if you don't like the company , but you enjoy the company's games AND DLCs , get them cracked , untill the company and people like this Blake right here get their minds back , because i assume they lost their minds , especially after a statement like this one.
i don't hate LoL or anything , but dota2 is just way better in everyway...
even in Esport events...the international was much better than riot's "world championship" (he can look at the screen in a championship , what's next ? make an fps championship with split-screen and blame the players ?)
LoL players will switch to this , because of the many afkers/trolls in ranked games , it's just sad , LoL was a great game , but community ruined it , hopefully dota 2 community won't be filled with trolls :\
@somatzu oh yes , it's pay to win , and ryze (a 450 ip hero) gets banned in championships , also , HoN is simply ruined , why ? it's not "free" first , they don't treat newbies as normal accounts , they treat them as "unverified" , until you either pay or play to level 5 which is a pain , also , it's "normal" mode isn't blind pick , which means good heroes will be taken by auto lockers , and you will be left with some useless one , not to mention the unbalanced system of heroes of newerth.
@Philly1UPer they can go outside for once , around 3 A.M? seems nice , also , check your narrow-minded comment above .
"now if this was effect Adults or kids who are 17-18 then I would have a problem with it"
which means you are selfish enough to only care about yourself , also , what's for 16 year old kids today will be enforced on you too soon , i don't live in south korea , i don't care what happens there ,but still , this law isn't fare.
ahmed1998's comments