@Minasodrom i am not talking about being successful , i am talking about this : say you made the best game in the world , fresh ideas , multiplayer , and all the good stuff , but the customers didn't buy your creative game , instead , they went to the developer that gave them what they asked for , not the one that made the awesome creative game , games are all about money now , so if your games don't sell , you failed.
i am really interested in AC III , Revelations was amazing.
but borderlands....i have a bad feeling about borderlands , i really enjoyed the first one , but if this is the same as the first one with just new weapons and missions...it will suck.
@vadagar1 i agree that creativity is important , but the problem is : if someone made something creative , and it sits on the shelves , guess what will happen to the company ? yes , it will lose money , lots of it .
that's the weak side of being "creative" , if you are creative and you don't sell , you are done.
ahmed1998's comments