Of course I am the real monster, lol awesome.. good test Gamespot.
ahnzz's forum posts
RE:Revelations is not RE 6. It takes place between RE4 and RE5.. RE:ORC is a spinoff taking place during RE 2
even though elder scrolls is popular series... i think we have seen too much of the game.. its been around for a while. looking forward to dark souls cause its not a sequel to Demon souls.. even though the game looks like it takes place in the same world
faster free running and better free running animations.. bigger area for free roaming, stealth.. more use of water in the game, better storyline than brotherhood, longer story, as for multiplayer dont slow down everytime you get killed, takes long to respawn.. about 10 to 15 secs
HDMI into your pc monitor i think that might work
i would, when i got my ps3 like 2 years ago going to be 3, an 80g bundle with MGS4, so expensive and now its only 299 go for it and most of my ps3 games are exclusives also, and im not playing in HD
they should bringSamanosukeAkechi to Marvel vs Capcom 3, that be pretty cool, i think they had Soki in Tatsunoko vs Capcom.. not sure never played it... but yeah the onimusha series are awesome
dam that sucks was going to buy the assassins creed dlc today, they should at least give us a message or something liek that
just on ps3, other wise try super mario games, simple fun puzzle games and then introduce her to scary games, then mystery types games like Heavy Rain, if your talking about online find something simple to pickup and play
id buy a ps3 now its cheaper than back then and online is free, you can wait but im pretty sure there are still potential in the current consoles today, a new console will introduce something entirely new and you might not use it to its potential because of pricing
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