simple.. if you didnt like the original Goldeneye for N64 dont get it... if you like the original get the new one... i havent played the original for a long time and im going to buy the new one.. dont really care for the graphics..
it would turn out to be themilitary vs a horde of zombies... no i think id stick to something that goes with the timeline of resident evil.. and have billy from rezero as the lead character
this would be fun... cause i have always wanted the game to go back to zombie killing... i think it would definetly improve the gameplay using the re4 and re5 engine
i rented that game.. and the whole tutorial and the begining story didnt get me hooked... they tried too hard i guess or it might just be me... besides i think there was no online play.... not sure, but i do like the artwork and designs and setting. i still perfer the traditional jrpgs over western rpgs..
it feels smooth like a pc game thats the good thing sensitivity is good too, yet i think its just me, i like games that expand the map more like battlefield or GRAW. blacklight is too closed in like a cage or arena like COD
if you are a berserker, i mean barbarian,just dodge every move and them BAM strong hit and knocks him off balance and stops him from using his wide range attack
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