looks like Netflix's next series. I'm going to make a prediction here and say Marvel will die a slow death from here on. Without Captain America and Iron Man there really is not much else to look forwards to. I'll take Robert Downey Jr and Chris Evans over Angelina Jolie, Salma Hayek and the rest of these no name actors.
This is why these companies have no concerns about releasing unfinished products. Gamers are going to buy it anyways. Good god! Wake up people, you're being taken advantage of!
Yes, it's one incredible, must play experience, but I still prefer Skyrim. I still play Oblivion to this day, but I never play the story, I just wander around. I don't ever want to have to deal with the Oblivion gates again, they are just awful to navigate.
*I wrote this comment before watching the whole video, it seems we agree on forgetting the main guest and just exploring the world.
I just hope they can find their way again. Personally, I think Doom Eternal was a step in the wrong direction. Doom is a "simple" game, no need to over complicate things with story, cut scenes or other non sense. Just give me weapons and ammo, hide the keys and point me in the right direction. Don't make me jump around and definitely don't be stingy on the ammo .
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