@Silv3rSt0rm82 It's actually not that scary. After playing The Dark Descent, A machine for pigs was kind of a let down for me personally.
@mcfez I bought it last week, but it's still in the box. I got stuck playing DOOM 3 mods. I'll probably start playing it over the weekend.
@LordCrash88 @rawkstar007 Yeah, but I can't play the newest Uncharted, God of War and Last of US, Infamous and plenty other games on PC. So I'll stick with my PC/PS combo, thankyouverymuch.
@Suharar I sold my N64 10 months after buying it, right after finishing Doom 64, never bought a Nintendo console ever again.
@corrus @ecurl143 If Zelda doesn't bring in the sales, it will be the final nail in the Wii U's coffin.
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