@torrne667 @ahpuck I didn't buy my PS3 till they dropped the price, you think I was born yesterday? I never jump in without knowing where I'm going to land. Kinda funny how the first thing you mentioned is the "launch price", hint, hint. . Enjoy that slap in the face, you are probably used by now.
@JoeGamer1234 @mezati4 Paranoid much? So you rather go with the one that has disrespected those who have supported them for years over the one that "may" smack you? You're being irrational beyond belief.
Xbone fans are so pathetic they will jump at anything to try to smear SONY. Comparing this to how much M$ has bitch slapped you, and you came back begging for me, is hilarious.
@jinzo9988 That's because the Wii U was never really next gen. It was more a little bump over the xbox and the ps3. The X1 and the PS4 are now leaps and bounds over the Wii U. Nintendo, with their 30 some years of experience making videogames SHOULD have known this.
It looks like they are trying to make a God of War type game, but trying hard not to make it look like God of War, it just looks bad. They should move the camera higher, they should also stop the camera from moving so goddamn much and add a few thousand more frames of animation. It looks so robotic, even for a bunch of warriors in armor.
@edussz @skiggy29 I'm South American and understand everything she says. (some) Americans have this strange desire to show the rest of the world how ridiculously stupid they are.
ahpuck's comments