Standing ovation!! Preach on Bro. Danny!! By needlessly trying to squeeze more money out of their sheep M$ screwed themselves up. The smart sheep finally saw the light, now M$ is desperately trying to round them up again. Still laughing at the "beautiful" unboxing, what a bunch of tools!
@Biotasticmeat Everything single thing you said is a lie. I was laughing at every single point you tried to make. Everything the xbox can do I can with my remote control, no need to shout or move like a complete moron, just click a button and it's done.
Of course it changes everything!! Ever since E3 all they have done is change this, change that, and that. . let's make it more like the PS4! I'm sure by the time they are done with it they will finally get rid of the Kinect and sell it for $399.00.
@demonkingx5 Sony just gave us TLOU. There is also Drive Club, Knack, and The Order 1886 coming up. Dunno why you're complaining. What else do you want?
Hundreds of millions to end up with AA battery powered controllers. What a joke! No wonder they have to charge to use the video recording feature and just about everything else.
ahpuck's comments