@Grayle @Mr_Mark_Legion hmm, no. Sony made a console, then M$ followed them. Apple made an iPod, M$ made the Zune. Apple made a tablet (at least a successful one)M$ made one too. Before that, there was Navigator, then M$ made Explorer. Point being, M$ has done nothing but make cheap copy cats of everything, not always successfully, but they are hardly the leader on anything.
@nocoolnamejim They are not listening, they are only following the money. They are changing their policies not because they want to be friendly, they are doing it because they don't want to lose money. They couldn't give a rats ass about any of us, same goes for SONY and Nintendo.
I hate CoD with a passion, but even I know that's crossing the line. This is why the cops end up knocking on your door and taking you to jail, are some gamers really THAT stupid?
The only thing Bioware has improved on their games is in the graphics departments. Everything they have CODed. Everything else has been babied to appeal to the masses.
ahpuck's comments