Only a hand full of companies can do what Naughty Dog can do and they can only do it because gamers trust their brand. When it comes to companies under the EA umbrella, most gamers are pessimistic about them.
@EL_Bomberdor That doesn't make it a bad game, it's just not for you. I feel the same way about Halo, COD and the last Final Fantasy games, they bore me to death, I just can't bothered to play them, but people seem to enjoy them.
@punkpunker The problem is the word "mandatory". They should have never used that word. Just say it requires a patch or something like that, mandatory is too rough of a word.
If some kid in the middle of nowhere can hack NASA, what makes you think the NSA can't hack into anything they want to hack into? I don't trust M$ one bit when they say they are not in cahoots with the US government.
(dear NSA, I'm just a harmless us citizen expressing my opinion, please don't come after me)
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