@Mugzippit It's only going to get worst. I'm thinking GTA5 is going to help some. But, it's not going to get better till after the new consoles are released. I'm thinking most gamers are on save money for the next consoles mode right now.
Why would you want to waste your money one this? Isn't that why the internet was invented? To fill it with all kinds of free goodies for you to play with, so you don't have to go to your corner liquor store to buy the magazines behind the counter.
@VarHyid @DiamondDM13 Exactly what I do. The only game I bought on release day was Skyrim, everything else I wait a few weeks and buy new for much less money.
@vassago_ @ahpuck @Aria1368 You also said "You have seen the latest information, haven't you? The used game and DRM policies are nearly identical. MS sucks at PR and people jumped to conclusions" which is complete BS. have you forgotten that fast?
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