As soon as I read "fails to say anything interesting or meaningful about its story and characters." I knew I shouldn't bother with this review. Some game are just games, kids, not all games have to be some Gone Home boring type games. Good thing that, as usual, Gamespot's video player is so bad it never loads.
I hope Rose gets all of 5 seconds of screen time, even that's too much. Poor girl, Rian really did her a disservice. I wonder how long the movie is going to be, RJ really messed up everything, JJ is going to need a 3 hour movie to try to fix it. Good luck with that!
I love Borderland's art style and "tude". Too bad I have never been able to get in the game, I have played 1 and 2 for about 10 hours each and quit. I'll probably do the same with 3.
ahpuck's comments