Blue-footed bird is cool. As for the article, as a gamer all I want is for gaming companies to discount their games sooner. I bought Fallout: New Vegas over the weekend, new for $18.00, I also got me RDR for $29.99. only suckers pay release day prices. So, if you guys can lower your prices sooner I'll appreciate it, ok? Thanks
@XxSUPERSNAKExX Nice list. I don't think I can do a top 5, I have enjoyed a lot of video game music in my life it would be impossible for me to rank them. I'll give you 3 of my favorites here: Fighting in the Street, Streets of Rage/ The Legend of Zelda intro music/ Lighting Strikes Again, Thunder Force 4 intro music.
If you think it's too expensive, DON'T GO!! No one is holding a gun to your head forcing you to buy tickets. People willing to pay for tickets, I'm not one of them, know it's worth it.
On it's own, Dragon Age 2 is an ok game, but when you compare it to Origins, it just doesn't compare. Morrigan, Allistar, Leliana or any of your other companions had more personality in their pinky fingers than any of the new characters in Dragon Age 2.
@BelaidKL. what are the undead if not zombies? what is lady Sylvanas if not a zombie. What about Underworld, a city full of zombies? Take all of that away and maybe you will still have a good game, but with it, it's a better game. . just saying.
@ romainsimoni I think people bash it cause it's so ridiculously expensive, for now, and it really doesn't add much to the gaming experience, if it adds anything at all.
Just give it a few years, 5-7 years or maybe less, and you will be able to buy a 3D screen for under $800.00 then I'll jump in the wagon, till then 2D is perfectly fine.
ahpuck's comments