@solid_snake1461: Is this is new trend here? They gave SOT a 6, not a 7. I have seen this done a few times over the past few months here on GS, where they increase the score of a game to make some sort of comparison more valid.
And I love your logic, its all hunky dory and fine disagreeing with those who designed the game when they are pro-microtransactions, but suddenly its regarded as stupid and people aren't allowed to disagree when they are anti-microtransactions. You do understand that your logic has to go both ways right? You are being a massive hypocrite otherwise.
So you are arguing that MTs can be good in a game and a positive point? What is your next hot take I wonder? This kind of logic does not actually work both ways my man, when a practice is inherently wrong and anti-consumer. Here we have MORE evidence that MTs hurt the game experience, it is not like it was a toss up until now. Also, do you realize how you arguing like this makes it seem you are actually for MTs in games and against removing them?
@topgun182: Well, for the third and last time. The designers said that the MTs had a negative effect on the game. Removing them is anything but bad, so I am pretty much happy with it.
@topgun182: Well, in pretty much all of F2P games you don`t NEED to spend money on the game. You can everything you want buy just playing. I played Hearthstone but that does not change the fact that spending money made the process of acquiring cards much easier. Hell, I even know people who play Clash of Clans that have not spent a dime and yet achieved top ranks. The difference here that when there is a way to skip even a fraction of the game, there is something seriously wrong with the design. That mean that there is a section of the game that is not enjoyable, and paying to skip it is pretty crappy. You might not care, but there are some who don`t like to grind.
Even the mere fact that you can get orcs out of boxes undermines the authenticity of the nemesis system and breaks the immersion. This is supposed to be living breathing world where you meet orcs and dominate them and make them yours. Just opening up chests and getting orcs makes the whole thing feel artificial. This is what they meant by this:
""The core promise of the Nemesis System is the ability to build relationships with your personal allies and enemies in a dynamic open world,"
You guys think unless the game stop everything, puts a message on the screen saying "pay 5 bucks to progress the story" then everything else is ok. This will never happen, but changing the gameplay to make it more of a chore then fun will and has. If they don`t see backlash, things will get worse very year. First they started with the it is juts cosmetic argument, then giving player choice and allowing them to skip grind, and then we got a crap-fest like Battlefront 2.
The fact of the matter is, having MTs in full priced games will effect the game in a negative way, so either we can be vocal about the bad practices in games, or we can be like you and more than accepting them, go out of our way to defend them, thus contributing to games getting crappier every year. I choose not to just sit down and accept this process, and let my voice be heard. If it leads to good things like what is happening with SOT, awesome. I can rest easy that my voice mattered and changed something for the better. If you don`t want to join, continue to support these games, but at least do not get into fights with people who are against them. It wont effect you either way...
@topgun182:Well, in my experience when people start to use offensive language in the middle of an argument, they ARE angry.
Also, I guess you know better than the devs then. I suggest you immediately seek employment in the gaming industry so that your talent does not go to waste.
It is still amazes me how some are finding this news bad in any way. I don`t know, maybe you did get suckered into buying boxes, and now you feel cheated. If not, then I seriously think you should direct your anger and effort on something more productive than becoming the new so called whiner. Whining about removal of MTs in a game...now I have seen everything.
@koospetoors: Well, these are the people who are somehow mad about the removal of MTs in the game, if that is not an example of mind numbingly stupid opinions, then I don`t know what is. Do you realize how stupid you guys sound, disagreeing with the people who designed the game? They are plainly saying MTs hurt the experience, and yet you guys cannot stop with your so called opinions!
@topgun182: I still don`t get why are you so angry. For the last time, and let this get through your thick skull:
The poeple who made the game are saying the inclusion of MTs in the game effected it in a negative way and worsened the experience. I have no idea what are you banging on about really...do you mean to tell me, you actually know better than the designers of the game? Are really that full of your self?
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