@alenth Why not? You guys are absurd...just because a game is on a handheld does not mean it gets a pass when reviewed. I feel like Vita owners are so desperate for a new AAA game they will overlook any faults with ease.
Also, to everyone complaining, read the goddamn review before making yourself look like a fool:
"And that's what Killzone: Mercenary comes down to. It's not remarkable among shooters in general, but as a handheld shooter, it raises the bar considerably and demonstrates that there's no reason a handheld platform like the Vita can't give us shooters that measure up to those on consoles."
@MasterOfMordor Thank you for the insightful review. I was among the maybe few who was not bothered that much with how Carol tries to get her views incorporated into her reviews but to be honest, it is starting to get tiring. I have been using GS as my main gaming website for little over 10 years now, I am not active at all and do not come to GS for news, but mainly for the shows and reviews but I have to admit since the days of Kasavin, Eckberg, Gerstmann, Shoemaker, Navarro etc I feel like this site has changed into a place for people to force their own morals into game reviews. That is one danger zone for me, as @MasterOfMordor said, leave your morals for the different outlets on the site, right a coloumn for it, make a show, talk about it on podcast but leave it out of the review. As an example, Kevin did not mention anything related to morals on the good VS bad side of Duke Nukem Forever game review even though he mentioned the terrible sexual jokes in the main review.
@leroy9 It is a 10 year old game that does not do much to make itself different from the original. Games evolve and the old ideas do not work after a decade.
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