I posted this in a forum topic earlier but I just wanted to get some other view points on this. Playstation right now I believe has 57% of the console market, but nothing ever remains the same, does this mean Microsoft is poised to make up some ground? If I was Microsoft looking at this data I would be extremely happy with the direction the gaming division is moving in, would you guys consider this a relevant indicator of Microsoft moving in the right direction and if so what would you attribute the turnaround, is this Gamepass starting to take over?
airman20012001's forum posts
Maybe Playstation fan boys just didn't realize MS was trending worldwide, but now they know, it surprised me also, and this was over the last 90 days, MS looking to crater PS. All that said I do want to see PS stick around for another generation or 2, its nice to have the competition.
@wonderwinner: Action I just did another Google trend search and MS and in the last 90 days MS has out trended Playstation world wide, which means Playstation is fading and MS is coming on strong, so to the original post Microsoft needs to keep doing what they are doing and turn the Playstation into a software company, kinda like Sega.
@wonderwinner: Come on man, Series S is out selling PS5 in Japan, and out Google trending PS5 in both Russia and China, so truth, is that MS is a frightening train right now that is steadily picking up steam.
And another thing about the sales numbers, both MS and PS have been sold out since launch, so the sales numbers don't make any sense, I have yet to walk into a store and see either available, thats the common sense proof that MS is doing just fine, and now that the Media is in MS pocket they will continue to sell.
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