i personally am leaning towards Europe just to be different, as the usa is in every army game so they are old and russia is boring because they arent a super power any more so they are out of it
cummon hit me with ur suggestions, i have been pumped 4 this game to come out for ages now im not sure if its really worth the buy give me some reasons why and why not
nah the worst game eva i have eva played is LOST PLANET such a let down with all the cool adds on tv and promo on it i went out and bought it the day it came out played it 4 bout 30 min and thought it was **** so traded it in
such a ****ty game, bad graphs, bad game play, online boring, the list is never ending
hey get this no joke, im on the computer this morning, reading this exact forum because i have had the rings once b4 and had to send it in, got it bak bout a month later
i got hell bored go to play sum mass effect, and i turned on the damn 360 and what happens the fukn rings have come bak to haunt me, great.
we had a black out late last night not sure if that could hav been the cause of this, but i need to find a cheap way out of this because i think my warranty has run out
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