ajkalan's forum posts
random encounters. ive just had enough of them, they serve no purpose. i could see in the days of limited computing power, but now i would like to be able to flee from a fight without suffering two transition screens and the waiting to actually run.
speaking of battle transitions, another RPG gripe i have are said transitions. make it seamless, the break in the action destroys immersiveness.
So much frustration could have been spared if RPG designers, in their design documents, wrote, "Do what Chrono Trigger did" in their gameplay section. Why can't RPGs do what has been done successfully by a 12-year-old game?
In Streets of Rage 2 I hate the wrestling type boss found under the stadium. Perhaps I just need to figure out his weakness, but he breaks combos and is too risky to approach for throws
Just dropkick him the entire time. It's boring and slow, but he never blocks against it, especially when he charges you.
On a similar note re: SoR2, the rising platform before the final stage (not the elevator ride, but the section immediatley before fighting the two hopping robots) ticks me off. There's no room to maneuver and all the cheap goons gang up on you easily. I don't think I've ever gotten out of that without losing at least one life.
Building the PC yourself really isn't too bad; as long as you avoid static discharge, the worst you're likely to do is cut your hands on a bit of sharp metal from the case.
However, if you're dead set on getting someone else to build it, you best option is to get out your phone book and call around to some of the local computer service shops. Ask for their rates on building a PC w/ parts you already own, and pick a place you trust. Unless you know people who have used these services, you're probably not going to have reviews of any of these shops. For example, I once took a chance on a repair shop to find out why my PC stopped working. The guy there found the problem quickly and didn't charge me beyond the flat $20 initial fee, since he performed little actual labor to diagnose it. Best Buy's Geek Squad or Circuit City's FireDog are also options, though they are likely to charge more than a mom-and-pop place.
If you decide to have someone else assemble it, I'd still recommend installing Windows yourself, since many places (like Geek Squad) charge through the nose for that service.
tell me if the payment goes through lol I just bought a 8800gtx from them i'll gladly return it and buy thiskemar7856
Amazon confirmed a charge of $120 + shipping for the purchase of the Core 216 to my credit card. Now to see if Monday and regular business hours will affect the purchase.
EDIT: It doesn't matter if mine goes through or not to anyone else; it's now selling for a more realistic $326.
lol i just bought it without thinking.
it will fit my mobo right?
Yes, it'll fit your mobo, though that will depend on how large your case is.
The card is exactly $319.99 at Tigerdirect, so it is definitely a glitch. They obviously added $200 to the discount.
Here's hoping they don't change the charged price on me. If they do, whatever, I'll be more than happy to cancel the order and purchase the 4850 I wanted in the first place.
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