i don't care about the awards themselves.......just give me a botw2 trailer and i will be happy
AJuiceMatts' forum posts
Its going to be GOTY 2020
2019 was a bad year in gaming, sad.
only if BOTW2 doesn't make 2020
@xantufrog: The problem is a flaw in the design. It's not a matter of 'if', but 'when'.
not true. In fact only about 11% of joy cons seem to be suffering from the issue. It's not a widespread problem. Which is in part why Nintendo took so long to get this up and running.
Had my joy cons from day 1, no issues.
Pretty sure Nintendo used a bad part inside the joycon causing the drifting. This part can break down easily, making the joycon drift. That means that you're basically lucky yours' hasn't started to drift yet, or maybe you use your joycon analogue sticks more carefully than others.
I don't know where you got the 11% thing from, but it doesn't really mean anything. A lot of people will get the problem soon. A lot of people with the problem haven't reported their problem.
I thought it was a bit weird that electroinc cleaner fixed it for me. Maybe I didn't have the drift issue that others have, and just had some dirt in there causing the drifting. Not sure, but I'm not complaining that it fixed it.
You are making a lot of assumptions here.
I use my joycons vigorously, with most of the time spent playing smash. I am happy i have had no issues, but i wouldn't call it luck. More like what most people experience.
The 11% is from an interview when the first reports of the issue started popping up, don't have a link so feel free to disregard.
"a lot of people will get the problem soon" says who? based on what?
"a lot of people with the problem haven't reported their problem" How do you know they have one, if they haven't reported it? Unless you mean they haven't reported it to Nintendo specifically, in which case, i guess that's on them. But you don't have any concrete numbers.
The fact that electronic cleaner appeared to fix yours only reinforces the idea that it's not a part quality issue, at least it seems to be the case for some percentage of the reported cases.
Just seems to be a lot of people blowing this out of proportion. Overall i think the tech in the joycons is solid.
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