Every single service or product worth a damn is going to have a place to contact to complain, even stupid things like a can of beer, a pack of salt, instant noodles say stupid shit like "Not completely satisfied?! CONTACT SHI HAUNG ZHAI HAPPY NOODLE CORP with proof of purchase for a full refund".
Nobody should even publicly complain about anything? They should approach the distributor and try and settle it privately in a manner that will draw no attention to them and not cause the company to lose face???
@smoovone1: Don't blame the gamers.... Sony and microsoft sold shitty, budget gimped PC's as entertainment devices claiming that nobody who games on a console could afford any more.... Then Samsung came out with "yeah... just buy this little thing and use some technology you probably already have"...
...Now Sony is about to put their hands out and ask for upwards of $600 because "you want a premium experience right?".
Sony and Microsoft consoles to me symbolize budget hardware. That's a reputation they've earned and worked towards. Asking for upwards of $300 for a toy that connects to the ps4 is going to be an extremely big ask. Why not just do it properly, get an occulus rift and have some degree of flexibility with your device and it's uses?
SO with the Wii U can you just walk off into the bathroom with the tablet part?... and if some jackass turns onto the hdmi channel (does Wii U have an HDMI port?) will they see what's being watched on the tablet?
ajzoot's comments