[QUOTE="artur79"][QUOTE="aladdin74"]hi all i just wana ask if u all prefer to turn off the AA to get higher frame rates or just push your card to the best pic ever , quality>performance ...as for me i am using windows xp , EVGA 8800GTS 512 mb and i changed nvidia control pannel to maximize the AA TO 8 ..AF tO 8 ...and one more question a drop in frame rate does that differ ???
If I were you, I'd turn AA down to x 4 and AF up to x 16. Anything above 4xaa is hardly an improvement and a waste of framerate imho (If you're gaming at a reasonable resolution that is...). AF should always be as high as possible.
Not only that, but it's a bad idea to use the NVIDIA control panel to force AA or AF. It's a better idea to use the application's anti-aliasing and AF, and only use the control panel if the game doesn't support AA.
And for me, I'll go to as low as 40FPS. But I have an 8800GTS too so I can pretty much squeeze 16x AA out of any game except for Crysis.
i just wana ask ..why it isnt a good idea to force your AA OR AF through nvidia control pannel ?? i find it easy to do and give me a good game quality ...i just wana ask if frame rates drops will the game lag ??? for example in bioshock my frame rate is 75 and when i push the AA AND AF TO 16 the frame rate is 56 ..to 65 .and its not lagging so whats the difference in dropping the frame rate while u have anh eye candy game ...???
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