So much bloody wrong with this article... nothing says you don't know what you are talking about when you try to justify Microsoft's freaking marketing speak.
The NVidia cards DO NOT have less TFLOPs performance than AMD cards. The NVidia drivers don't allow consumer cards to work to capacity for non gaming purposes.
And lets not even start with the 1 Tflop for the Switch... basic physics should tell you how wrong that is.
And lastly your whole formula for calculating flops is another BS marketing tool. A flop in the real world is measured by how well a processor can do matrix inversions. Which puts these GPUs far closer to CPUs in terms of REAL flops versus transistor count.
@lonesamurai1: hate to remind you about E3 where they've already gone back to console exclusives...You must be some lost adult who has fallen for this what for the THIRD time already, but I'm just a kid, never played a GFWL game or anything like that...
@nurnberg: really cause I wouldn't mind playing against smarter robots that I've already mastered twice. New animations, really going for weak points is a gift, not a useless feature. Yeah maybe the dialog will be useless, but the new gameplay isn't.
@lonesamurai1: Huh? Yeah like it has nothing to do with the games themselves not selling enough that they are Windows... and second that somehow you think the Windows Store is remotely a decent experience is funny.
Sorry I don't feel at a lost that Sony gives you a reason to buy a PS4...
The real take away is the hardware is 4x more powerful.... unfortunately Xbox never could render at 1080p on all games so 4k is out of the question for these games.
In other words it's the most powerful console ever!!! Made for 900p x 4 gaming!
Are you trying to tell me that people who bought their own PC components sometimes for 25+ years knew that this AMD APU wouldn't be enough for 4K while Microsoft was wrong or outright lied!
alaskancrab's comments