If you are a gamecube fan and/or owner you should konw this has been a crapy year for gamecube exept of course with the exeption of resident evil 4 which was one of the best games of the year acording to critics (thats for critics in my opinion it was the best period) and since zelda has been delayed we have nothing to do with the gamecube exept using it as a paper weigt.A 99$ paperweigth (150$ if you bougth your gamecube around the release date.), but seriously what can you do with your gamecube if there arent any games to cared about?well i have a couple of recomendations first of all if you havent play resident evil 4 do it! now ! buy it or rent it, it the game will take you about 15-20 hours to finish it. So unless you are a resident evil freak and want to unlock everthing just rent but dont be fooled this game is by no means a virgin game(a game that after being finshed for the first time there is nothing to do).Just playig over and over again with new weapons its satisfiyng and also that crazy mercenaries game, upgrading your weapon until you can no more or just simply trying to get all the bottle caps (you will know what i mean once you play) but all this fun will stop at some point so what after that ,what will people that depend on the gamecube as their main game machine will do well apart from sitting around waiting for zelda(unless you dont like zelda which is almost imposible) well here is a list of games that are worth playing (not all of them are gamecube exclusives but are you going to do)
A * next to the name means the game is worth buying if it doesnt have it then i recomend only to rent it.
Resident Evil 4*
Resident Evil 1*(remake)
Resident Evil 0
Beyond Good And Evil
Fire Emblem:Path Of Radiance
Tony Hank Underground*
Tony Hank :American Wasteland
(For those thinking why i didnt include T.H.U.G 2 simple, it sucks)
Prince Of Persia (all 3 rock)* (they are all virgin games but you wont beat them in a week)
Metroid Prime*
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes*
(lilttle tip regarding Metroid prime 1 and 2 they hard i mean rally hard so this game is for not for someone looking for something to just beat in a couple of weeks)
The Legend Of Zelda: The Wind Waker*
Megaman Aniversary Collection*
Megaman X Aniversary Collection*
(Megaman X Aniversary Collection is kind of more for fans since the games arent all that good)
Killer 7(warning:really violent and the plot will make less sense than Metal Gear Solid 2)
Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Sankes* (remake of the first one , but a great game no matter what)
SSX On Tour*
Need For Speed: Most Wanted*
Spider Man 2
Batallion Wars*
Peter Jackson King Kong :The Official Game Of The Movie
The incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction
Tales Of Symphonia*
Anyway this is all i cant think of i will start Making more blogs this days and if you tjink i forgot something just use the replay button
Good Bye and remenber Mysapce is the biggest bigest stupidity since Y2K .Not the band but come to think of it they suck too(check what it is on yahoo or something i dont know how to make links)
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