Can`t believe no one mentioned Okami. That game is like a beautiful dream you don`t want it to end, at least that is how i see this masterpiece.
Alex839's forum posts
Sorry if a thread like this already exsists, i googled some answers for this but i could only find; "It`s crap" or "it`s great." I couldn`t find anything which could give me the right answer.
So, for those who have the game, how does handling & car physics feel? Does it have that "good & pleasant" feel when you drive? And with which racing/driving game can you compare it?
Why is there no demo for this!
@Toph_Girl250: I should have been more clear when creating this thread. It`s not about believing in UFO`s or aliens, it`s more about if any of you saw anything that is out of the ordinary in the sky, something which doesn`t look like a plane.
I was lucky to be in the right time at the right place when i saw those strange things, it`s probably a very small chance to see something like that for most people.
These are some of my favorites for each retro system i owned:
Gameboy: Super Mario Land 2: Six Golden Coins, Super Mario Land, Super Mario Land 3: Wario Land, Tetris, Double Dragon 2.
NES: Castlevania &...that`s about it. It was the only NES game i had, i borrowed few games but can`t remember their names.
SNES: Yoshi`s Island, DK Country 1-3, F-Zero, Disney`s Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse, Chrono Trigger.
Sega Master System: Castle of Illusion. Same thing as NES when it comes to games.
Sega Mega Drive/Genesis: Sonic 1-3, World of Illusion, Comix Zone, Shinobi 3, Jewel Master, Disney`s Aladdin.
PS1: Chrono Cross, Castlevania SOTN, Resident Evil 2, Dino Crisis 2, Parasite Eve 2, Ape Escape, Suikoden 2, Gran Turismo, Alundra.
PS2: Okami, & another hundred of great games.
XBOX: Max Payne 1-2, Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory; Call of Cthulhu, Doom 3, Half Life 2, Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy.
Well, i never owned an arcade machine but since they are games of my childhood these are my favs: Knights of the Round, King of Dragons, Double Dragon, Final Fight, Punisher, Pang.
I feel guilt doing bad things in games, it`s a bit ridiculous.
I prefer modern & historic settings. I don`t mind games set in future as long as they have compelling story (which is rare), good atmosphere & if they are fun to play. Games with alternate history are also interesting, like Singularity & Resistance, for example.
Not sure if i understood your post Celtic. There were always good & bad games, but as techology evolves, making games costs more money & time, that`s why i think there still isn`t enough good games for new consoles. Some developers, especially on this gen, focus more on quantity rather then quality of their games.
Is that a scene from Chunking Express? Loved that film, i enjoy watching foreign films in general.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution. I`ve always wanted to play a stealth game like that, so i couldn`t believe how great it was when i finally did. It reminded me a lot of Metal Gear, when you were infiltrating Shadow Moses, crawling through vents & all other stuff cool people do.
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