My system crashed:( I was doing something when Windows suddenly restarted and then it refused to work no matter what I did. It kept rebooting everytime it was upposed to bring up the logon screen. So I ended up reinstalling it, and now everything's fine. The only problem is that I'll have to reinstall all the programs and games too:|
Game #4 Jazz Jackrabbit 2
What do you know? A 2D platformer! Bet you guys didn't expect that:P
This game is a classic, even in today's date. You get to pick either Jazz or Spaz to play the game, with both of them having respective pros and cons. The game starts off in a dungeon you're supposed to escape from, and the first level does a very good job of familirizing you with the game. Out of all the different types of ammo you can find in the game, the first two are found in the game's first two levels. Of course, getting through the second level can be a bit complicated, since it's a boss stage and it's pretty different from the rest of the boss stages but once you figure it out it's fun.
As a typical side scrolling shooter, you have a wide variety of ammo, all with unique and interesting effects, and a hoard of enemies to get past. There are 4 'episodes' in the game, each episode featuring 6 levels. The game also prsents you with diverse environments to play in, ranging from Alice in Wonderland style gardens and monkey forests to haunted castles and a victorian era city. Every environment gives you two levels to play, with the exception of two environments that come on later in the game, spanning over one level each.
Along with the enemies and usual bosses, you also have to get through certain traps, and of course getting around the place itself is not a very easy task.
Another thing about this game that makes it so great is it's music. Every level of the game features a different soundtrack that perfectly matches the level. True, some of the soundtracks can get a bit annoying, but they still serve to fit in with the level and some of the more extraordinary tracks more than compensate for them.
A truly memorable part of this game is a whole level hidden away in ones of the stages. Even the entrance to that hiddden level is in a place you won't think about looking in.
One lastpro about this game is it's multiplayer. It allows you to play race, treasure hunt, battle or even co-op. Naturally, one of the multiplayer modes is split screen and although the game says taht there's online gameplay I don't thinnk the servers are ative any more, so you're pretty much stuck with split screen. But if you can find a good player, it's still amazingly fun.
I've played this game 6 times till date, once on all three skill levels - easy, medium, hard, once more on hard, and twice more on medium. And I'm still not bored of this game:D
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