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Exam count 2/5

I had Japanese today:D It was freakin awesome!:D No point going further cause you won't understand it:P Anyway, only 3 more to go....YAY!!:lol:

New idea - exam count - Currently at 1/5

So, I had my math exam today. It was really easy but I had spent ages racking my brains some difficult stuff (and even bothered my friends a bit;)) but non of those came!!!!:o It was a relief to see such an easy paper but I was kinda annoyed once I got out. Anyway, one down, 4 more to go. I have Japanese next, so it should be good:)

And btw lance, even my friends say I'm the biggest LP fan they know!!!:lol:

Exams are here......finally

So it looks like my exams have officially started. I have maths tomorrow. Quite a lot of trash in the syllabus. So I'll be back full-time after 15th of March.

At the same time, I have some good news too:) I don't know how many of you know this, but Hybrid Theory EP was Linkin Park's very fist album and it's been out of production since a long time ago, so very limited copies of it exist. And according to Wikipedia, it can only be obtained in LP contests where it's awarded as the prize, or when people sell it on sites like eBay. I doubt if there would be many people who own that EP and want to sell it, but I found someone with it on Amazon and dad said he'd buy it!!!!:D But only after my exams are over....I asked that guy to hold on to the album for a month longer, he hasn't replied yet, but if he agrees or no one else buy's it for a month, it's mine!!!!:D Then I'll be the proud owner of a VERY rare LP album:) Along with that, I managed to find all the tracks from Xero EP, when LP was called Xero and had Mark Wakefield instead of Chester.....and a few demos of songs from Hybrid Theory. The lyrics are a bit different but the songs are amazing:D Can't wait fro my exams to get over:)

LP collection

After buying Live in Texas I decided to complete my LP collection, so since a few days ago I've been trying to download all LPU tracks from the net, cause they aren't available in stores. And today, after hours of hard work, I've finally managed it:D Here's what I own -

*original copies in bold*

Collision Course

Hybrid Theory

Hybrid Theory EP (LPU v1.0)

Live In Texas


Minutes To Midnight (unfortunately/fortunately it's the clean version)


Underground v2.0

Underground v3.0

Underground v4.0

Underground v5.0

Underground v6.0

I didn't try to find LPU v7.0 cause I want to do my upcoming membership some justice;) I've found Collision Course in stores quite a few times but I dislike that album more than MtM so I never bothered to buy it:|I wouldn't hesitate to buy Reanimation if I could find it though:D'full collection' stands for their whole discography (audio only), so if I'm missing anything please let me know:)

A VERY bad dream!!!

Yesterady I had a very weird dream:? I'd scored 0 out of 100 in science and 3/100 in social studies!!!!!:shock: I was really glad when I woke up:? Now I've learnt not to cheat in tests:(

Bad day.....VERY bad day:(

So...I had a test today, it was an objective paper for science. Guess what? My friend asked me to turn the page to ask if a certain question was right or was misprinted...AND WE GOT CAUGHT!!!! I didn't even say anything to her, I just turned around and the stupid teacher caught us and wrote on our papers that we cheated. Our papers are suppposed to be cancelled but we spoke to the teachers and they said they'd decide whether to cancel the papers, spare us or deduct marks:(

To make things worse, I'd already finished my paper by then and most of it was correct:(...and now I might get a zero in the test:cry:

Ask anything you want [answers edition]

I'll be frank with you all...I didn't get the result I expected. Maybe I need to comment on more blogs to get more comments on mine. Anyway, here are your answers -

@rasengan Your banner is sooooo cool I can dreaming of being able to design like that. While dreaming about it, I tend to keep my eyeson it:P I think pie is better than cheese. As for the's neither fruit nor vegetable, it's salad!:P

@thetruth I love reading, but but not school books:P I prefer english books, and I usually read mystery stories like Hardy Boys. I love books about magic, like HP and Narnia. I think I can read pretty fast. I finished Deathly Hallows in a day....skipping school that is:P

@khat I don't know exactly what the word means. All I know is that I was born in US (I'm caucasian) but I've been living in Japan about 10 years or so. And my dad was married, but my mom passed away. He didn't marry again.

@lance I'm pretty sure I'm a recruit in the toonami union. I don't post there, maybe I resigned, but I'm postive I joined. I know Xzaxs, miss him quite a bit:( I'm only officer in 4 or 5 unions. The unions aren't hyperactive, but they do get posts and I reply regularly too:)

@major I hate milk:|

@SE PIZZA!!! And pasta and sushi's a long list:P

@hydra Had one, she broke up in november. I remember blogging it. We're both in the same class, so I'm having a hard time getting over her. I haven't bothered with another girl since then.

Blaster Master

Level 22 at last!! Good to see that there's some distance between me and level 20 now:P Other than that I've got nothing to say. And....looks like level up blogs really are becoming a bore. I just don't find level uping at exciting as I used to:( Oh well, a new level still classiffies as an achivement, and imo every achievement deserves a blog post:P